Oldtimer picture gallery. Motorcycles. Safticycle scooter. Only pre-1945 here.
1941-1953, Safticycle Inc., La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA.
Entrance    Gallery   Motorcycles
1942-1947 Safticycle, 4-stroke aircooled 1-cyl. L-head motor, 1,5hp Briggs & Stratton NP motor, 6,28 cu.in. (103,0cc), bore 2", stroke 2", 35mph
    1945 Safticycle, 55k photo, 53k photo
    1944 Safticycle, 48k photo, 42k photo
    1943 Safticycle, 63k photo, 55k photo
    1942 Safticycle, 38k poster
1941-1942 Safticycle, 4-stroke aircooled 1-cyl. L-head motor, 1,5hp Briggs & Stratton NP motor, 6,28 cu.in. (103,0cc), bore 2", stroke 2", 35mph, $?
    1942 Safticycle, 68k poster (1 III 1942)
    1941 Safticycle, 297k photo, 153k photo

Photos and data are from:
Author's archive
The Cabe
Volo Auto Museum.
"The Birmingham News" (Alabama) newspaper, 1 III 1942.
World of Tanks.

Thanks for help to Jevgenii Pevzner, motorcycle historian, Moskva, Rossija.
Entrance   Gallery    Motorcycles    Sale   Links

Last updated 29 XII 2020. Andrei Bogomolov. Contact Information.